We are ERNW - SecTools

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Our Mission

ERNW Sectools will provide tools that will make IT environments a safer place. We are engineering our knowledge, experience and expertise into new security tools and we will ensure, that our tools will be designed and developed in a secure manner, so they won’t become a weak link in customer environments.


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    As part of our product support service our professionals can support or take over the complete installation and integration of our products into customer environments. They are familiar with big enterprise networks and the corresponding technology. Please contact us for more details.

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    Our products come with a rich feature set of functionality and reports, but we also offer customizing of our products like adding additional features, more reports, integration into SSO environments or whatever needs customizing. We are here to make it work, so do not hesitate to ask us, if you have special requirements.

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Latest ERNW SecTools News

June 21, 2024

BMBF UNCOVER – Monitoring von Sicherheitsvorfällen in Fahrzeugen

English Abstract For the realization and introduction of autonomous vehicles, the safe interaction of functions, systems and services as well as their monitoring over the entire product life cycle is essential. An exclusive security-by-design approach is no longer sufficient and must be continuously supported by feedback obtained from in-the-wild operation. This is where the recently […]

June 14, 2024

TROOPERS24 Agenda Preview: Active Directory & Entra ID Security Track

Hi, are you curious about the agenda of the Active Directory- & Entra ID security track at TROOPERS24? Here’s a sneak peak of the already published tracks:

May 22, 2024

Security Advisory: Achieving PHP Code Execution in ILIAS eLearning LMS before v7.30/v8.11/v9.1

During my Bachelor’s thesis, I identified several XSS vulnerabilities and a PHP Code Execution vulnerability via an insecure file upload in the learning management system (LMS) ILIAS. The XSS vulnerability can be chained with the code execution vulnerability so that attackers with tutor privileges in at least one course can perform this exploit chain.

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